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About Us
Two women, One Mission.
My name is Ruth.
My degrees are in dietetics, adult education and decision-making.
My craft is deconstructing, mapping, and activating capability for growth.
And my mission is to help health professionals reimagine possibilities and make personally aligned career decisions that enhance well-being and impact.
But I am more than the sum of these parts.
From the outset, my journey to date has all the hallmarks of well-known happy-ending stories like:
…Poor girl breaks the cycle of family poverty through the power of education.
…Young woman from broken home meets boy, gets hitched, has two kids and is happily married.
…Privileged woman quits her job and can be anything she wants.
I have a lot to be grateful for and they say gratitude is the key to happiness regardless of who you are.
But I don’t believe our past is some fixed state that needs to dictate our future path. I’m here to promote the idea that change is the only fixed thing in our lives.
I wasn't a standout student until I realised I needed to be in order to reach my desired destination. I was usually unnoticed, the quiet and responsible girl. Rules and structure became my refuge, offering the predictability that was missing in other areas of my life. Learning became my thing, providing a sense of security and confidence.
I chose Dietetics because it had the pragmatic and meaningful elements I resonated with for helping people. At the time, I had no grand vision or dream. Just the excitement of putting theory into practice and having a steady income (a novel thing in my world at that time). But with each new experience that I chose to learn from, new ones emerged that I could opt in to. My personal and professional worlds would intersect to inform and alter the other, causing change I didn’t anticipate...
I thought I’d work in private practice until I did hospital placement.
I thought I’d stay a year in hospital work, I stayed 12.
I thought I needed variety in my job tasks till I was nudged to specialise.
I thought research wasn’t for me till I had a question that needed a PhD to answer.
I thought I wasn’t a leader until I took the chance to inspire and nurture others.
I thought climbing the ladder would fulfil me, but then I had kids who unlocked part of me.
I thought saying yes to every opportunity was the path to success, till I learned the power of no.
Perhaps my journey looks slightly familiar because this is what we all do, right? Move to where the opportunity is. Shed old skin as we embrace the next calling. Develop new ways of seeing and explaining. People adjust their careers, lifestyles, countries, and perspectives all the time. And it changes who we are. And what we care about. And what we know to be true.
This is exactly what evolution is. A series of small adaptations...and sometimes major leaps that change the course of life. You see, we don’t always know what we are going to like or what’s around the corner. You could argue that I’m just very adaptable. Which is a useful quality. But often we need to stop and question what it is we’re adapting to.
So, a few months into what I thought was my dream job, it became clear that I needed to design my next steps rather than operate on the high-achieving autopilot we can find ourselves on. I was experienced in compromise, resilience, and resource management to fit an external agenda and vision. I’d been doing it for so long, and it had served me well—enough to nearly convince me that this was how you move through life.
But my two little humans were drawing out parts of me that I no longer wanted to deprioritise. I had to find a way to align the two.
And yet change can feel so scary...enough to stop you in your tracks and keep on with the same old.
I was evolving from a cameleon who blends into where I am, to someone who can incite the courage to change where I am, as well as who I am.
My story is one of change—embracing it, optimising it, and deciding on it. Whether you opt into it or it is thrust upon you, change is the one constant. But in many of our professional paths, change can inspire fear and discomfort.
The day came for me when the fear of change and the unknown surpassed the fear of what my mind, body and life would be like if I didn’t stop and re-evaluate my path. So I decided to stop.
Stop trying to do it all.
Stop trying to achieve all things on my plate so that I had the space to finally redefine what my all is.
So I resigned.
I took time to focus on my PhD, my health and my family. I didn’t have all the answers but I didn’t have any regrets. Instead, I invested my energy in exploring new possibilities and ways to transfer my capabilities to roles and problems I cared about. And as I made one new decision after the other and followed it with one small step in a new direction, it brought me here, to where I am now. Here with you, offering dedicated health professionals tools to explore their interests, develop their own career compass and realise new paths towards a fulfilling worklife.
Because I believe you are more than your title and qualifications and your evolving identity needs your attention.
I'm here to help you move beyond chasing credibility and gain clarity about your enduring professional identity.
My Co-Founder, sister, and best friend requested that her introduction be tiny and quiet, but I assure you, her contribution is not.
Rogue is powerfully neurodivergent and a visionary whose life has been changed and challenged by a genetic condition causing her daily chronic pain and many a physical hurdle. Someone who has sat on the opposite side of hundreds of health professionals and understands the true power of being a patient of a health professional brimming with fulfilment and alignment or one that is not.
Rogue isn’t just Career Cliniq’s business strategist, technologist, or marketer; she is the woman who ensures our vision serves both health professionals and improves their care and impact on patients.